Friday, January 10, 2014

It Just Builds Up...

I wish that being a stay at home mom would have come with a manual.  Kids aren't easy, everyone knows that.  But cleaning the house, tending the children, watching the animals can build up and fast! Thus comes my daily struggle, laundry.

All my friends know that I am extremely clean.  I keep a very SUPER clean house.  I like order and everything in its place.  I spend my day going behind my children, picking up their little messes.  So, I just don't understand why I can't seem to get laundry under control.  I know that I should fold it straight out of the dryer, like my mom does, but instead I pile it all in a basket where it sits for a few days.  Then I fold it and place it in another basket where it sits for another few days.  Finally, when I absolutely need the basket, I put it all away and start over.  Washing, drying, folding and putting away for four people, for me, seems daunting.

There must be a system, something I'm missing!  I need my friend Morgan back.  She use to sit with me in the hallway of our house in Alaska and help me fold all my clothes, laughing that I let it build halfway up the wall.

Am I the only housewife that struggles with this simple task?  Please tell me I'm not alone.

1 comment:

  1. I hate folding! Haha I'd clean the whole house just to avoid it.
