Monday, January 13, 2014

Healthy Homemade Fruit Roll Ups

I love fruit roll ups. Owen loves these sweet treats and they are a fun little dessert after lunch. I do not, however, love all the chemicals and preservatives in them.  When I decided to make a DIY version I researched tons of variations and after a little creative thinking I bring you my very own fruit roll up! I used essential oils in mine but not using them will in no way change the outcome of this treat.

32 oz frozen or fresh strawberries
1/2 cup "light" agave nectar
non stick cooking spray
On Guard essential oil (optional)

A little about on guard, it is a protective blend made by the DoTerra company.  It contains a blend of oils to help your body against viruses.  I like to keep it in stock and use it on the bottom of my children's feet in the cold/flu season to help ward off any dooming illnesses.  It is safe to be consumed because of the high quality make of this particular brand.  You can check out from my friend Danielle Kemp's site if you're interested in ordering,

In a food proccesor or blender, puree the fruit and nectar till smooth.  Set in a glass bowl and add 5-7 drops of on guard oil and mix well with a metal or wooden spoon. Set in the fridge for a few hours.

Now, my recommendation is to make these before bed because they take about 8-12 hours to fully cook.  Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.  Pour the mixture into two parchment lined and greased baking sheets.  Set them in the oven after dinner and leave them in overnight. (You could also cook these all day if you didn't need the oven for anything else)  In the morning you can slice and serve or roll them up with parchment paper and store in an airtight container in the fridge.  If cut into 20 servings (10 per sheet pan) they are 1 points plus a piece!  ENJOY!


  1. Love this, Thank you for sharing, I can't wait to give it a shot!

  2. Let me know what you think! Owen loved them.
