Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Applesauce Carrot Muffins

It's Wednesday!

In this house it also means that it is weigh in day!  It's no surprise to anyone that knows me, follows me on Pinterest or is my Facebook friend that I am a huge advocate for Weight Watchers.  I have followed the plan on and off for years and it just happens to be what works for me.  I had a decent loss this week that I am pretty proud of but most of all it keeps me motivated to stick to it.   I want to be a healthy mom and wife and be around a long time for my family.

I "like" on Facebook a page called 100 Days of Real Food.  It is a blog of a family that completely cut out all processed foods from their diet by making a pledge for 100 Days.  They were completely successful and therefore continue to live that lifestyle.  That is where I found this recipe, I adapted it for my needs and now I will share it with you! These are 5 Weight Watchers points plus if you follow the plan. 

(adapted from 100 Days of Real Food)

1½ cups whole-wheat white flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt
1 stick butter (melted)
½ cup honey
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
3/4 cup carrot shreds 

In my trusty Kitchen Aid I mixed together with the whisk attachment the butter, egg, honey and vanilla.  Then add in the cinnamon and baking soda and gave it all a good stir.

Slowly added in the flour about a 1/2 cup at a time still using the whisk until everything was incorporated well.  With a wooden spoon mix in the applesauce and carrots and fill the 12 lined muffin tin using all the batter. 

Bake at 350 for 25 mins.  Let them cool to firm up a bit and Enjoy!

I love these because they have no refined sugars and hide a serving of veggies that my kid (and husband) have no clue about!

To see 100 Days of Real Food recipe click here:


  1. I am extremely proud of you and for you :) I have a few more ingredients to get before I can make this, but I will be making it soon :)

    1. Thank you! I can't wait for you to let me know how much you and the kiddos (and Shaun) love them.
