Saturday, February 1, 2014

DIY Chocolate Syrup

Why have I never thought to do this before?  You will be completely shocked to know that this only took five ingredients and about ten minutes of my time.  I am super excited to make Owen some chocolate milk and I'm even more excited to know that it's free of high fructose corn syrup and unnecessary preservatives.

1/4 cup good quality cocoa powder
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

In a small sauce pan whisk on high heat the cocoa powder and water.  Once it begins to boil add the sugar and whisk until dissolved.  Turn down to a simmer and let cook for about five minutes.  Remove the mixture from the heat and immediately stir in the salt and vanilla.  Transfer to a glass jar and let cool before adding the lid.  When everything is cool, it's ready to be stored.  This will be good in the fridge for about a month.  Enjoy!

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