Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Locked My Kid In The Car!

Ok, so that title might be a bit shocking, unfortunately, it is true! Of course, not on purpose, but sometimes things just happen...

Today started off earlier than usual.  The kids were up before 7 and although it was early I was glad because Sully had a vet appointment.  We all got ready and were going to make it out the door on time; for once!  At this point it all started going down hill. I couldn't find my car keys, anywhere!  I was frantically searching every room, every couch, every surface of the car and they were gone.  While I had the car doors open, Owen climbed in and was playing around with his hot wheels.  Finally, I turned a corner in the garage and there they were, my keys, sitting on a box waiting for me.  I started the car, shut my door to warm it up and went to go get Haley. At that moment I knew the car locked.  I was frantic! Owen couldn't understand to roll down the window for me to unlock the door and he was content watching his movie that I had just turned on.  I called Adam in a panic and after some time calming me down he told me to call the police department.  After a half hour of trying to get Owen to understand I finally called and they dispatched the fire department.  Two trucks came rolling down our street and eight men worked to unlock our doors. I was so relieved when they pulled him out and Owen was giving them all high fives.  After that ordeal and missing the appointment I decided we needed a break.  We headed to the mall and played on the playground! Both kids had a great time and I had great conversation with another recruiter's wife.  I'm glad the day ended off much better than it had started!


  1. I did this not too long ago remember :) They brought a firetruck with 5 men, the fire chief who had 2 more, and 2 cops and I was hysterical!!!!

  2. I did the same with Xman when he was like 5 months! I'm glad Wes was able to get a ride (we only had one car at the time) and came by with the extra key to unlock the door.
