Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poor Charlie

My poor little puppy has a double ear infection.  He is my third "child" to suffer from this awful thing, and I can't help but think that my job as a mother is to take care of these painful things.  He had his check-up at the vet today; He is 22 pounds and now up to date on all his shots! I can't believe how fast he's growing.  We love him and he's the perfect addition to our family.  He's curious, rambunctious, playful and sweet.

I made him a new toy out of one of Adam's old socks.  It has become his favorite and it was free!! You just can't beat that.  It's an old tube sock with an empty water bottle that is tied off at the top.  The sound from the bottle crunching keeps him coming back to it. You could easily fill the sock with treats or food and make them work really hard to get it out.  Doggy entertainment just got a little cheaper!


  1. Luna' s favorite toy is a 2 liter bottle. She chooses them over store toys.

  2. Oh poor Charlie! I hope he gets better quick!
