Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Not-So-Fun Day

We had a fantastic Saturday! My dad drove in from Ohio, and we spent the day eating and shopping, which so happens to be my two favorite things. Adam took Owen to a work BBQ and he had the time of his life.  But as life would have it, things went down hill as the night went on. My poor Owen was up half the night screaming and we knew he was miserable.  Regardless, we enjoyed a nice home cooked breakfast with my dad before he left.

Well, as it would seem Owen has a terrible cold.  He is completely congested and so stuffy when he talks. Thankfully, he's still in good spirits and taking in lots of fluids, so I have high hopes that improvement is in his future.  The funny thing about two kids is their ability to tag team you.  Haley, on the hand, won't eat ANYTHING.  I suspect teething to be the culprit for this little one year old.  We found these awesome popsicles at Target that are made of 100% apple juice and I think that may be what keeps her going!

As any mom with a sick three year old and teething one year old would do...

I decided to spot clean my carpets.  It's no surprise to anyone that I am clean person.  I vacuum multiple times a week and deep clean regularly but why did I pick today to tackle this mess (and by mess I mean maybe a spot or two).  Times like this make me thankful for my husband.  He took care of our sick boy AND didn't make fun of my need to clean.

Overall, I'll count the weekend as a success! Adam was here (blog-bomb)

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