Monday, June 16, 2014

"Deep Dish" Fruit Pizza

I can honestly say that fruit pizza is one dessert I had never tried.  I love the idea of a sweet cookie crust and refreshing fruit topping.  For us, fruit is a huge part of our daily diet.  Owen can eat his weight in grapes and Haley has a slight watermelon obsession.  At any given time, we have no less than 4-5 varieties of fruit, so this dessert just works well for us.  My Aunt Lynne also turned us onto this amazing frosting.  It's a fluffy white frosting that is simply mixed with boiled water and aerated! It's fat free and, well, that's just about every girls dream come true!  Adam isn't big on sweets and that's why this frosting is perfect for us, because it has just a touch of sweetness and still works well as a binder for a cake!

When I set out to make this pizza I realized I didn't have a round pizza pan.  While Adam and I went out shopping I reminded myself a million times to pick one up for this dessert.  But, I forgot (along with about 10 other things so I conclude that I can never shop without a list, ever)!  That's where the deep dish comes into play.  I filled a pie pan with sugar cookie dough and worked it up the sides as if I was going to make a pie.  My only suggestion at this point would be to keep the crust somewhat thin since the dough will rise, a lot!  Once my cookie crust finished cooking, I let it cool down completely.  I filled the middle with my (fat free) frosting and topped it with some organic strawberries, blueberries and a freshly peeled kiwi!  The great thing about this too, is it doesn't need to be refrigerated so it's great for cook outs or a potluck. 

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