Saturday, November 8, 2014

Turkey Wreath

On Saturdays we usually go out for breakfast, run our errands, and do what chores need to be done around the house. This is mostly because on Sunday we always do absolutely nothing (except watching Packer games and The Walking Dead). Today, we decided to do a fun little project. I found a tutorial on making a turkey wreath on Pinterest and off to Hobby Lobby we went. Now, anyone that knows me well, knows that I like organization. And that I have zero patience. Unfortunately, these two things usually cause me some sort of stress while working on crafts, so I don't do them often. On the other hand, my husband is the perfectionist. This creates chaos! Add in a nosey dog, curious cat, and two wild children, and you can imagine what goes into make anything more than dinner.

I'm not going to go through the motions of how this beautiful turkey came to be because we simply followed an awesome tutorial. We did change a few things though that I will make note of. For one, we painted his beak orange. Also his gobbler, (Adam and I are SERIOUSLY unsure of what this thing is called) is hot glued under the beak instead of hung over it. If I ever make another one I will also use a thicker string or ribbon because the yarn was extremely time consuming. Last but not least, we did half of him in yarn and half in tulle. You can add more tulle if you prefer. Overall the whole project took us two hours and he looks pretty darn cute hanging above our fireplace.

Awesome tutorial found here ---> Baby Rabies | Thom the Turkey 


  1. I love this!!! Now to talk Shawn into doing one with me

  2. He should totally do this with you! What a fun way to decorate the house!
