Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Skinny Cupcake "Milkshake"

I should probably start off by saying that the following recipe is in no way a replacement for a cupcake. I think at this point in our resolutions people begin to fall off the wagon because they are missing their favorite snacks. Fortunately for myself I am following Weight Watchers, so I can have my cake and eat it to, literally. But, that doesn't happen often enough. For one, I have ZERO self control. Therefore, I can only bake to share, or I can't bake at all.

This milkshake does have its high qualities. It is sweet, creamy, smooth and everything I'm looking for in a frosty treat. Its pretty low in points. AND, wait for it, it has sprinkles! Doesn't everything taste better with sprinkles? The main ingredient is banana. There is a tiny banana flavor but not enough to deter my mind into thinking I'm over indulging!

(Adapted from Sally's Baking Addition)

1/2 cup sweetened vanilla almond milk
1 container fat free vanilla greek yogurt
2 bananas, frozen and chunked
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

In a high speed blender add the almond milk and bananas. Blend until most of the banana has broken up. Add in the greek yogurt and extract, blend on high until the shake is smooth and thinned out. Add your desired amount of sprinkles and give a few pulses! Enjoy!

This makes a HUGE serving for 4 WW points plus. This recipe could easily serve 2 or be stored in the fridge for later!

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