Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

It's January 1, 2015. I can't believe how fast this past year went. Even more I'm excited that I completed my first year of blogging and have had my posts read in multiple countries all over the world. I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm glad to see 2014 go. We had a lot of ups, but a lot more downs. I'm excited to be moving forward. To have new adventures, to see new things and to grow as a family!

Now, on to the future of this blog! I've managed to open a tiny side business where I have worked diligently to provide photography sessions for local families. I look forward to growing this business, but have even better plans for this blog. It's very obvious that I have a major passion for food photography. I, however, am just not that innovative with recipes. So, with that being said, I'll be moving more towards sharing recipes from other blogs and sites. With that I will give a review on the recipes I have tried, attach my own photos, then back link to the original recipe. If I make any changes to the recipe I will note that, but I will leave it up to my readers on which version they prefer to try. I'll only be posting recipes that I've made major changes too, therefore, making them my own.

I am also starting a photography series based on my family. Every Sunday, I will blog "Our Week In Pictures". This is a 52 week project designed for me to capture the essence of my children and our home life. It will also allow me to grow within my second passion, lifestyle photography.

Thank you to everyone who has read, shared, pinned, tried my recipes, and been devoted to helping me grow! It's a blessing to be in a position to share my life (and a few yummy recipes along the way)!

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