Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Journey Begins

It's not a surprise to anyone that have multiple children in diapers how expensive it can be.  Owen is two and a half and quite frankly, we haven't even considered potty training.  Today we went out to breakfast and took a drive to Lexington to check out Target.  Of course they would have undies on sale and wouldn't you know the potty was too!  So, we grabbed them up and thought what better time than now to start.  WRONG.

Owen is completely resistant, he will sit on the potty but definitely not go.  He won't wear the underwear unless there is a diaper underneath.  I'm at a loss on where to begin, or if he is even ready. With Adam leaving for six weeks, I think I will take it slowly, get him use to the underwear and maybe on occasion sit him on the potty chair but not force anything.

I'm going to use this time to take advice.  Learn about reward systems.  Soak up experiences from other moms and hopefully when daddy comes home we can start, for real.  My goal is to have him ready to go (no pun intended) when we head to Wisconsin this summer.  Six months and counting.

Now accepting prayers.


  1. The introduction to potty training is always fun....NOT! You know my prayers are with you!

  2. Slow is definitely best. Unfortunately, he will not do it until he is absolutely ready! It will come soon enough when he is ready for those big boy undies!

    1. I've washed them and put them away. Hopefully his day comes sooner rather than later!
