Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oreo Truffles

The kids and I are going over to visit the Good's.  I hate going on playdates empty handled and especially when the host is generously making us lunch.  Lucky for me, Kayla (yes we have the same name) is pregnant.  Feed a pregnant woman and you are surely to be her favorite.

Oreo truffles are so decadent.  These are creamy, and more than anything, they are so easy to make! I halved my recipe because I don't want temptation sitting around but go ahead and make the whole package! They will keep for a few months in the freezer and are a great, quick, sweet treat.

18 Oreos (do not use double stuff)
4 oz cream cheese (I used reduced fat)
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
tsp coconut oil

In a food processor, grind the Oreos until they are the consistency of dirt.  Add the cream cheese straight to the mix and combine until it clumps together like cookie dough.  Roll into 1 inch balls and pop in the freezer.  Meanwhile, melt the chocolate chips and oil in a double boiler.  You don't have to use oil, it just makes the chocolate shiny.

Take the balls out and drop in the chocolate, roll around until they are coated and shake off the excess.  Place on a parchment lined sheet pan.  When all the truffles are covered put them back in the freezer to harden.  You can put them in a plastic bag and keep them in the freezer till you are ready to serve (or anytime that sweet tooth attacks).  Enjoy!

This little cutie even helped me out!


  1. I had to hide them from myself ;)

  2. We made some Thursday night, the kids absolutely loved them and loved the fact that there is now a stash in the freezer. So easy to make and a lot of fun for Mikayla who has taken up cooking and baking (as much as she can help with) she is learning how to read ingredients and how to read the measuring cup etc.
