Tuesday, February 4, 2014

One Of Those Days...

Today is just one of those days.  The day when nothing possible can go right.  The day when you fall on the driveway because it's a solid sheet of ice.  It's a solid sheet of ice because you actually took the time to shovel and what melted, re-froze.  The day when your two year old spills a brand new box of cheerios on the carpet, refuses to pick them up and then snatches what his sister is eating and ends up in time out.  The day when the dog pees on the carpet and the cat meows at your feet for nothing.

It's just that day.  It's not a bad day or a good day.  Tonight I will take "me time".  Everyone deserves that occasionally.  Whether you are a mom or not doesn't define who has the harder struggle. We have all been there! That's the beauty of life, that we have all, at one point or another, had that day.

Today was mine.  I will have that glass of wine or an extra scoop of ice cream and celebrate that although things didn't go my way, tomorrow is a new day.

Things could always be worse, I am grateful for these moments, as stressful as they may be.